Present Perfect Tense

In this section you will learn information about the different uses of the present perfect tense with examples.

Uses of the Present Perfect Tense

For actions that happened in the past when the time they happened is not relevant. The action is more important.

I have changed the bedsheets.
They have mended the bike.
She has been to Albania.

For past events that have an effect in the present.

Laura has broken the TV.
He has forgotten the present.
I have broken my nose.

For actions that finished recently. The adverb ‘just’ is usually used.

John has just finished his school assignment.
I have sent the email to my teacher.
He has just finished breakfast.

For actions/states which began in the past and are still happening in the present. Stative verbs are usually used.

Sandra has lived in Mexico for twenty years.
I have been in bed since Monday.
He has worked in the local cinema for two years.

For events which happened in a specific time and that are incomplete at the time of speaking. Some time expressions can be used, such as: today, ever, never, this week/morning/month/year.

They have had five meetings this week.
I have never been to Japan.
She has read ten books this year.

To talk about personal experiences.

I have never dyed my hair.
Jennie has been to many concerts.
We have won the soccer match five times in a row.

In the following table, you will find information about the structure of the present perfect tense and positive, negative and interrogative sentences.

Present perfect tense table with structure or form and examples. Positive, negative, interrogative sentences.

More information about English verb tenses here.