Synonyms from U – Z

In this section you will learn synonyms from U – Z in English.

Synonyms word with U

Ugly – unattractive – hideous
Ultimate – final – definitive
Unaffected – unchanged
Unbiased – neutral – impartial
Unclear – vague – ambiguous
Uncommon – unusual – rare
Uncooked – raw – unprocessed
Uncorrupted – pure
Undeniable – irrefutable – unquestionable
Undergo – experience
Understanding – sympathetic – tolerant
Uneasy – restless – anxious
Unfold – reveal – open
Unforeseen – unexpected – unpredictable
Unforgettable – memorable – remarkable
Unfortunate – unlucky
Unhappy – sad – miserable
Unharmed – undamaged
Unique – exclusive – one-of-a-kind
Unite – join – combine
Universal – global – worldwide
Unlawful – illegal – illicit
Unlock – open
Unreliable – untrustworthy
Unthinkable – unimaginable
Upcoming – forthcoming
Update – refresh
Upset – agitated – distressed
Urgent – critical – important
Usage – application
Use – employ – utilize
Useful – practical – helpful
Useless – ineffective – worthless
Usually – typically – generally
Utmost – maximum – greatest

Synonyms with V

Vacancy – position
Vacation – holiday – break
Vague – unclear – ambiguous
Vain – self-centered – conceited
Valid – legitimate – acceptable
Valuable – precious – priceless
Vandalism – damage – destruction
Vanity – arrogance – egotism
Variable – changeable
Variety – selection – range
Vary – change – fluctuate
Vast – immense – spacious
Velocity – speed
Venom – poison
Venture – project
Veracity – accuracy – authenticity
Verdict – decision
Versatile – flexible – adaptable
Vestige – trace – remains
Vibrant – lively – energetic
Vibrate – tremble
Vicious – ferocious – savage
Victory – triumph – success
View – perspective – opinion
Vigilant – observant
Vigorous – energetic – active
Villain – antagonist
Vintage – classic – retro
Visible – apparent – clear
Visualize – picture – imagine
Vital – essential – crucial
Vivid – clear – bright
Void – empty – invalid
Vulgar – indecent – obscene
Vulnerable – susceptible

Synonyms with W

Wage – salary – income
Walk – stroll
Wander – roam – stroll
Want – desire – yearn
Warmth – heat – coziness
Warranty – guarantee – assurance
Warrior – fighter – soldier
Waste – misuse
Way – path – route
Weak – frail – delicate
Wealthy – rich – affluent
Weep – cry – sob
Well-known – famous – renowned
Wellness – health – well-being
Well-off – rich – wealthy
Whack – smack – hit
Whisk – whip – beat
Wholehearted – sincere – genuine
Wholesome – healthy – beneficial
Widen – broaden – expand
Wild – savage – untamed
Will – determination – resolve
Win – succeed – achieve
Winner – champion
Wise – knowledgeable – intelligent
Withstand – resist – endure
Wizard – magician – sorcerer
Wonder – marvel – amaze
Wonderful – amazing – fantastic
Workout – exercise – training
Worship – adore
Worth – value – importance
Wreck – destroy – ruin
Write – compose – draft
Writer – author
Wrong – incorrect – inaccurate

Synonyms with Y

Yearly – annually
Yield – produce – generate
Youth – adolescence
Yell – shout – scream
Yacht – boat – ship
Yearn – desire – crave
Yummy – tasty – delicious

Synonyms with Z

Zone – area – sector
Zoom – enlarge
Zappy – lively – energetic

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