Expressions to Give your opinion

In this section you will learn expressions to give your opinion in English.

Expressing opinions in English:

  1. As far as I concernedā€¦
  2. From my point of viewā€¦
  3. I believeā€¦
  4. I feel thatā€¦
  5. I thinkā€¦
  6. Iā€™m sure / certain thatā€¦
  7. If you ask meā€¦
  8. In my opinion / viewā€¦
  9. It seems to me thatā€¦
  10. My feeling isā€¦
  11. Personally, I thinkā€¦
  12. The way I see itā€¦
  13. To be honestā€¦
  14. To my mindā€¦
  15. To tell you the truthā€¦

Read other expressions here.