Synonyms from P – T

In this section you will find synonyms from P – T in English.

Synonyms with P

Pacific – calm – tranquil
Package – box
Painting – picture – artwork
Pamper – indulge – spoil
Paramount – supreme – superior
Part – segment – piece
Particular – specific – precise
Pastime – hobby
Patience – tolerance – endurance
Pattern – design – structure
Pause – stop
Payday – salary – payment
Peaceful – quiet – serene
Perception – understanding
Perfect – flawless – impeccable
Perk – bonus – reward
Permanent – lasting
Permit – allow – grant
Persuade – convince – influence
Place – location – spot
Plan – strategy – project
Pleasant – enjoyable – satisfying
Poignant – touching – moving
Poisonous – toxic – harmful
Polite – courteous – respectful
Popular – beloved – well-known
Positive – optimistic – constructive
Possibility – likelihood – probability
Potent – strong – powerful
Practical – feasible – functional
Praise – acclaim – compliment
Praise – applaud – commend
Precarious – unstable – insecure
Precious – valuable – priceless
Precise – accurate – specific
Preserve – conserve – maintain
Pretty – beautiful – appealing
Prevent – stop – impede
Previous – early – prior
Priority – preference
Profit – benefit – earning
Profound – significant – deep
Progress – develop – improve
Prompt – quick – immediate
Prospect – expectation
Prosperous – flourishing – thriving
Proud – pleased – satisfied
Pure – immaculate – innocent
Pursue – chase – seek
Put – place – set

Synonyms with Q

Qualification – credential – requirement
Quality – excellence
Quantity – amount – volume
Question ¬– ask – inquire
Queue – line
Quick – rapid – fast
Quiet – silent – still
Quirky – unconventional – peculiar
Quit – resign
Quiver – shiver – tremble

Synonyms with R

Radiant – glowing – bright
Raise – increase
Rapid – fast – quick
Rapport – relationship – bond
Rare – strange – uncommon
Rate – pace – speed
Reach – arrive
Real – genuine – authentic
Reason – cause – motive
Reasonable – rational – logical
Receive – accept – get
Recognition – acknowledgement – credit
Recognize – acknowledge
Rectify – correct
Redeem – reclaim
Reduce – decrease – diminish
Refrain – abstain – hold back
Regular – normal – typical
Reject – decline – refuse
Release – liberate
Relevant – significant – important
Reliable – trustworthy – dependable
Relief – ease
Reluctant – hesitant – unwilling
Remark – observation – comment
Remedy – cure – treatment
Remorse – guilt – regret
Remote – distant – secluded
Removable – separable – detachable
Renovation – remodeling – restoration
Repair – fix – mend
Repulsive – revolting – disgusting
Requirement – prerequisite
Rescue – save
Resentment – grudge
Resistance – opposition – defiance
Resolution – resolve – determination
Resource – supply – reserve
Respect – esteem – admire
Respond – answer – reply
Rest – relax
Reveal – uncover – disclose
Revenue – income – earnings
Revoke – cancel – annul
Reward – prize – recompense
Rich – wealthy – well-off
Ridiculous – absurd
Right – correct – accurate
Risky – dangerous – hazardous
Rubbish – garbage – trash
Rude – disrespectful – insolent
Rule – guideline – law

Synonyms with S

Sad – unhappy – sorrowful
Safe – secure – protected
Salary – wage – income
Sale – discount – bargain
Salutation – greeting – welcome
Same – similar – identical
Sane – rational – lucid
Sarcastic – ironic
Satisfactory – acceptable
Satisfy – please
Savage – fierce – ferocious
Scarcity – shortage – lack
Scared – afraid – fearful
Scout – explore – search
Scrumptious – tasty – delicious
Secluded – isolated – remote
Select – pick – choose
Self-assured – confident
Sensation – feeling
Sentimental – emotional
Serious – earnest
Share – split – divide
Shine – glow – beam
Shop – store – establishment
Shout – scream – yell
Shy – timid – bashful
Sick – ill – unwell
Signal – indication
Significant – profound – important
Silence – calm – stillness
Silly – foolish – goofy
Simple – easy – basic
Sincere – honest
Skill – ability – talent
Small – little – tiny
Smart – clever – intelligent
Sniff – smell – inhale
Sociable – friendly – outgoing
Soft – gentle – delicate
Solution – answer
Spacious – vast
Special – unique – distinctive
Speed – velocity
Split – divide – separate
Spoil – pamper – indulge
Spontaneous – natural – unplanned
Spotless – flawless – pristine
Spotlight – highlight
Stoic – indifferent – unemotional
Stop – end – cease
Story – narrative – tale
Straightforward – direct – plain
Strenuous – demanding – exhausting
Strict – firm – severe
Strong – powerful
Student – pupil – learner
Successful – victorious – prosperous
Suggest – propose – recommend
Superb – marvelous – magnificent
Superior – greater – better
Sure – certain – assured
Surrounding – atmosphere – environment

Synonyms with T

Table – desk – counter
Tactful – considerate – thoughtful
Take – grab
Talent – skill – ability
Talkative – chatty
Tangible – physical – real
Target – goal – aim
Task – assignment – duty
Tasty – delicious – mouthwatering
Taxi – cab
Teach – instruct – educate
Team – staff – group
Technology – innovation
Tedious – dull – boring
Temper – mood – attitude
Temptation – allure – enticement
Tender – soft – gentle
Terrible – dreadful – awful
Territory – area – zone
Terror – fear – horror
Thankful – grateful
Theme – topic – subject
Think – contemplate
Thrill – excitement
Thrive – prosper – flourish
Ticket – pass
Tidy – neat – organized
Time – duration – period
Today – currently – nowadays
Tolerant – accepting – understanding
Toss – throw – fling
Total – entire – complete
Touchdown – landing
Tough – strong – resilient
Tradition – custom – practice
Tragedy – disaster – misfortune
Tranquil – calm – serene
Transform – convert – change
Transparent – clear – translucent
Trendy – popular
Trip – journey – excursion
Trivial – unimportant – petty
Trouble – issue – complication
Trust – confide – rely
Trustworthy – reliable – faithful
Truth – reality – veracity
Try – attempt – endeavor
Turbulent – chaotic – tumultuous
Turmoil – disturbance – disorder

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