Expressions to say Goodbye

In this section you will learn expressions to say goodbye in English.

Ways to say goodbye in English:

  1. Bye for now!
  2. Bye!
  3. Bye-bye!
  4. Catch you later!
  5. Farewell!
  6. Good night!
  7. Gotta go!
  8. Have a good day!
  9. Have a great weekend!
  10. Have a wonderful day!
  11. I must go now!
  12. I’m off!
  13. I’m out!
  14. Later!
  15. See you around!
  16. See you later!
  17. See you next time!
  18. See you soon!
  19. See you tomorrow!
  20. See you tonight!
  21. See you!
  22. Stay safe!
  23. Take care!
  24. Take it easy!
  25. Talk to you later!
  26. Until next time!

Read other expressions here.