Types of Sentences

In this section you will learn the four different types of sentences.

What are the four types of sentences?

The four types of sentences are: declarative sentences, exclamatory sentences, imperative sentences and interrogative sentences.

Declarative sentences

Declarative sentences express facts and establish a reality. They allow speakers to communicate ideas, thoughts, opinions that happen around them and they are the most common type of sentence. Also, they end with a with a full stop.

Declarative sentences can be:

-Simple sentences:

They work from Tuesday to Sunday.

-Compound sentences:

I bought a new music album, and I showed it to my friends.

-Complex sentences:

Christian went to the store because there only was spoiled milk in the fridge.

-Compound-complex sentences:

We got married because we fell in love, and now we have two children.

Exclamatory sentences

Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions, reactions, or declarations. They always end with exclamatory marks.

I won the lottery!
They got into an accident!
Dani was promoted!

Exclamatory sentences can start with:

1.-What an inspiring speech she gave! – What + adjective + noun + subject + verb + !
2.-What a stupid you are! – What + noun + subject + verb + !
3.-What a shame!

1.-How nice she is! – What + adjective + subject + verb + !
2.-How politely he answers! – What + adverb + subject + verb + !
3.-How exciting!

Oh no, I forgot my ID!

Exclamatory sentences can contain words like:

You are so funny!

It is such a good story!

Note: these words are only used with exclamatory marks if what is being expressed is a strong emotion.

Imperative sentences

Imperative sentences are used to give orders, instructions, suggestions, requests and warnings. The subject is implied most of the time, but it can also be explicit. Imperative sentences can end with a full stop or an exclamation mark, the latter is used to emphasize the sentence.


Don’t sit down.
Pay attention to the class.
Turn off the TV.


Cut the vegetables.
Open the box.
Insert a coin.


Try using a different tool.
Read your favourite English books to improve your skill.
Don’t wear sandals for running.


Please stay a little longer.
Help me with this English exercise, please.
Donate to the charity to help the homeless, please.


Watch out for pedestrians.
Be cautious of the dogs.
Don’t touch the animals.

Interrogative sentences

Interrogative sentences are used to seek information about something. They begin with a wh-question (who, what, where, when, why and how) or with an auxiliary verb and they end with an interrogative mark.

Interrogative sentences that start with wh-questions seek information.

Who is the new employee?
What is your favourite TV show?
Where do you get the best food promotions?
When will you arrive?
Why did they forget about the project?
How can students improve their English skills?

There are interrogative sentences that start with auxiliary verbs; we call them ‘yes or no questions’ and we use them to ask for clarification.

Do you practise your speaking?
Is he your brother?
Have you been to Canada?

There are interrogative sentences known as ‘alternative questions’ because they provide two options.

Do you want to learn English or Spanish?
Should we go North or South?
Are they happy or sad?

There is another way to use interrogative questions: tag questions.

You’re watching the movie, aren’t you?
Erin looks amazing, doesn’t she?
It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?

Types of sentences based on structure

1-Simple sentences contain just one independent clause.

I participated in today’s class.
They announced the winner.
The case was analysed by experts in the field.

2-Compound sentences contain two independent clauses, and we typically join them together with:

Coordinating conjunctions:

We arrived at the airport, but we noticed that we had forgotten our passports.


I read the text; he made notes about it.

Correlative conjunctions:

Just as we love to sing, so they love to dance.

Conjunctive adverbs:

I didn’t like the movie; in fact, I left before it ended.

3-Complex sentences contain one independent clause and one dependent clause and we typically join them together with a subordinating conjunction.

I’ll think about your offer later because I don’t have time right now.

4-Compound-complex sentences contain one dependent clause and at least two or more independent clauses.

Although they were sad, they remembered the good moments, and they moved on.

Read more about sentences here.

Read more about English grammar here.