What are interjections?
They are words that we usually use to express emotions or reactions.
Ouch! = we use this word to emphasize pain.
Wow! = we use this word to emphasize surprise.
Ew = we use this word to emphasize disgust.
We can use them at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the sentence since there is not a specific rule. However, if they appear in the middle of the sentence, we must place them between commas or parenthesis.
My parents surprised me with a puppy, aww, I love it so much.
My parents surprised me with a puppy (aww) I love it so much.
-They add emphasis to the sentence.
-They can stand alone.
-They are used in spoken English most of the time.
-They can appear in the form of single words, phrases and even sounds.
-They are spontaneous.
We use an exclamation mark when the interjections convey strong emphasis.
Hey! Where are you going?
We use a period or a comma when the interjections convey a neutral or weak emphasis.
Well, it was a nice seeing you.
We use a question mark when the interjections convey uncertainty.
Really? Is that even possible?
Look at the following table with a great variety of examples of interjections. You probably know them all. We usually use them in daily conversations.

Now that you know what interjections are, their characteristics and their position, you will start noticing them when you talk with your friends or family.
If you do not some of them or you do not use them in your daily conversations, you can do it now. You will see that by using them, you will remember them more.
Do not forget to read more about the other parts of speech: