Synonyms from F – J

In this section you will learn synonyms from F – J in English.

Synonyms with F

Fabulous – splendid – marvelous
Fair – just – unbiased
Faithful – loyal – devoted
Fake – imitation – fraudulent
Fall – collapse – drop
Fallacy – delusion – misconception
False – inaccurate – untrue
Famous – well-known – notable
Fanatic – enthusiast – devotee
Fancy – luxurious – elegant
Fantastic – amazing – phenomenal
Fast – quick – rapid
Faulty – damaged – imperfect
Fear – terror – panic
Feasible – achievable – possible
Feeble – weak – fragile – frail
Fervent – intense – passionate
Fierce – savage – wild
Find – discover – uncover
Fix – repair – mend – restore
Flannel – cloth – fabric – textile
Flaw – imperfection – defect
Flee – escape – run away
Flock – group – herd
Flourish – thrive – prosper
Foggy – misty – unclear
Follow – chase – pursue
Fool – idiot – imbecile
Forbid – ban – prohibit – restrict
Forge – construct – create
Forgive – excuse – pardon
Former – prior – previous
Formulate – develop – design
Fortunate – lucky – blessed
Fraction – part – segment – portion
Fragrance – perfume – scent
Frank – sincere – straightforward
Freedom – autonomy – liberty
Fresh – new – unspoiled
Friend – mate – companion – buddy
Frivolous – trivial – petty
Fruitless – ineffective – unsuccessful
Full – complete – filled
Fun – pleasurable – enjoyable
Function – role – responsibility
Funny – comical – humorous
Furious – enraged

Synonyms with G

Gadget – device – appliance
Gain – attain – earn
Garbage – waste – rubbish – trash
Gather – collect – accumulate
General – common – universal
Generate – produce – create
Generous – benevolent – giving
Genius – brilliant – gifted
Gentle – kind – considerate
Genuine – real – authentic
Gesture – signal – indication
Get – acquire – obtain – receive
Gift – present
Gigantic – huge – immense
Glad – happy – pleased
Glamour – charm – allure
Global – worldwide – international
Gloomy – depressing – dark
Glowing – radiant – beaming – shining
Goal – aim – purpose – objective
Good – fine
Goofy – silly
Gorgeous – stunning – breathtaking
Gracious – polite – courteous
Gradual – steady – progressive
Gratitude – appreciation – thankfulness
Great – superb – excellent
Greedy – avaricious – selfish
Grin – smile – smirk
Gross – repulsive – disgusting
Grotesque – bizarre – abnormal
Grow – increase – develop
Gruesome – horrific – terrifying
Guest – visitor – attendee
Gullible – naive – credulous

Synonyms with H

Handsome – attractive – good-looking
Handy – versatile – convenient
Happen – occur
Happy – joyful – delighted
Hard – difficult – demanding
Harm – hurt – damage
Harsh – strict – severe
Hate – detest – despise
Hazard – danger – risk
Headline – title – heading
Healthy – well – fit
Hectic – chaotic – busy
Help – assist – aid
Hero – champion – savior
Hesitate – waver – pause
Hide – cover – conceal
Hideous – ugly – repulsive
High – tall – elevated
Hobby – interest – pastime
Hold – retain – grip
Home – house – residence
Honest – truthful – sincere
Hostile – aggressive – confrontational
Hot – scorching – boiling
Huge – enormous – vast
Humane – merciful – compassionate
Humble – modest – unpretentious
Humid – wet – moist
Humiliate – embarrass – degrade
Hustle – rush – hurry
Hysterical – frantic – uncontrollable

Synonyms with I

Icon – symbol – emblem
Idea – notion – concept
Identical – same – similar
Identify – discern – recognize
Idol – celebrity
Ignorant – uninformed – clueless
Ignore – overlook – neglect
Illuminate – brighten – enlighten
Illustration – drawing – picture
Imagination – vision – fantasy
Imagine – picture – visualize
Imitate – mimic – copy
Immaculate – spotless – pristine
Immediate – instantaneous – sudden
Imminent – forthcoming
Impact – effect – result
Impartial – unbiased – neutral
Impatient – anxious – agitated
Impediment – obstacle – hindrance
Imperative – mandatory
Impolite – rude – disrespectful
Important – essential – vital
Impress – inspire
Income – revenue – salary
Inconsiderate – insensitive – thoughtless
Increase – grow – expand
Indefinite – uncertain – vague
Independent – autonomous – self-sufficient
Indulge – spoil – pamper
Infant – baby
Infinite – immeasurable – unlimited
Influence – control
Informal – casual
Information – data
Ingenious – inventive – creative
Initiate – begin – start
Innocent – naive – pure
Input – contribution – feedback
Insane – crazy – mad
Inspect – examine – analyze
Instinct – intuition – feeling
Insufficient – lacking – deficient
Intellectual – intelligent – smart
Intensify – strengthen – boost
Interesting – captivating – engaging
Intriguing – tempting – alluring
Invention – innovation – creation
Inventory – stock
Investor – financier – sponsor
Invite – request – summon

Synonyms with J

Jail – prison – detention
Jealousy – envy – resentment
Job – work – occupation – profession
Join – unite – link
Joke – jest – gag
Journal – diary
Journey – trip – excursion
Joy – happiness – pleasure
Judge – determine – evaluate
Justice – fairness
Juvenile – underage – youthful

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