
In this section you will find very useful information about what verbs are. We know that they are used in everyday conversations, but knowing what each verb form and type of verbs mean can be a little bit difficult. That is why we decided to organize the different topics to make it easy for you to analyze the information.

Remember to read carefully. If you do not understand something, do not worry, take a break and when you are ready, read the explanation again. We added examples so that you understand better the information.

First, you need to understand what a verb is.

Secondly, you need to know the different verb forms.

Finally, you will learn the types

It may look boring, but it is not. Once you understand how they work, you will be able to understand the following parts of speech (adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections).

A very useful activity you can do is to write down your own sentences and include some of them you will learn in this lesson.

Let’s start!

What is a verb?

A verb is an action performed by the subject in a sentence; they indicate an action, an event or a state of being.

What are the verb forms?

  1. The to-infinitive form.
  2. Gerunds.
  3. Participles (present participles, past participles and perfect participles).
  4. Finite verbs.
  5. Non-finite verbs.

What you will find in each section:

  • Definitions.
  • Different uses of the verb form.
  • Examples

Read more about them here.

What are the types of verbs?

  1. Auxiliary or helping verbs (be, have, do, will).
  2. Stative verbs.
  3. Action or dynamic verbs.
  4. Transitive verbs.
  5. Intransitive verbs.
  6. Linking verbs.
  7. Modal verbs.
  8. Phrasal verbs.
  9. Regular verbs.
  10. Irregular verbs.

What you will find in each section:

  • Definitions.
  • Examples.

Read more about them here.

Read more about other parts of speech: